Steel Structures: Practical Design Studies ^HOT^
The fourth edition of this popular steel structures book contains references to both Eurocodes and British Standards. All the material has been updated where necessary, and new and revised worked examples are included. Sections on the meaning, the purpose and limits of structural design, sustainable steel building and energy saving have been updated.
Steel structures: practical design studies
The initial chapters cover the essentials of structural engineering and structural steel design. The remainder of the book is dedicated to a detail examination of the analysis and design of selected types of structures, presenting complex designs in an understandable and user-friendly way. These structures include a range of single and multi-storey buildings, floor systems and wide-span buildings. Each design example is illustrated with applications based on current Eurocodes or British Standard design data, thus assisting the reader to share in the environment of the design process that normally takes place in practical offices and develop real design skills.
Two new chapters on the design of cased steel columns and plate girders with and without rigid end posts to EC4 & EC3 are included too. References have been fully updated and include useful website addresses.
Emphasis is placed on practical design with a view to helping undergraduate students and newly qualified engineers bridge the gap between academic study and work in the design office. Practising engineers who need a refresher course on up-to-dates methods of design and analysis to EC3 and EC4 will also find the book useful, and numerous worked examples are included.
"The correct and appropriate use of relevant Eurocodes in structural steel design process with detail worked example on every topic will make this book very attractive for our undergraduate civil engineering students."
McConnell has conducted groundbreaking research into the performance of uncoated weathering steel (UWS) in bridges. Her work incorporates long-term field data on the performance of steel structures and corrosion protection methods in various environments and includes an analysis of practical design strategies that improve corrosion resistance.
Theodore R. Higgins joined the Institute in 1940 as chief engineer and was its director of Engineering and Research from 1945 to 1968. During his tenure, he was involved in all aspects of the Institute's wide variety of research activities. He played an especially prominent role in the more than 20 years of research, which led to the development of plastic design techniques for steel structures. Theodore authored the Institute's first manual on plastic design, Plastic Design in Steel.
A resolution adopted by the Institute's Board of Directors honored Higgins for his unparalleled service to the structural steel industry. The resolution defines him as a pioneer in developing the research and engineering principles which form the basis of steel design and construction today. "Theodore Higgins possessed that unique ability to translate research results into practical applications," the resolution reads.
A sample of twenty-two steel benchmark frames was formed and used to investigate the accuracy of a single increment predictor-corrector (SIPC) solution scheme; an approximate method of second-order elastic analysis. Each of the frames is based on a structure from the literature and, as a collection, the set includes a diverse assortment of practical planar geometries and a wide range of sensitivities to second-order effects. This data article presents the details of these frames, including finite element models, relevant nodal coordinates and element connectivity, and detailed information regarding member sizes, support conditions, and applied loading. In addition, this article presents simulation data obtained from testing the SIPC method using the benchmark frames, and assessing its accuracy and precision. Error analysis results, based on comparisons of joint displacements and member design moments simulated using the SIPC method with those obtained using the more exact and computationally expensive work-control (WC) method, are summarized. The finite element modelling and subsequent structural analysis utilized the software package MASTAN2, which provides user-friendly features to execute both SIPC and WC methods. A detailed description of these analysis methods and the algorithms used to generate data is provided in "Efficient geometric nonlinear elastic analysis for design of steel structures: Benchmark studies" Ziemian and Ziemian [1]. The benchmark frame models are more generally useful for any researcher interested in testing and validating structural analysis and design methods, and the simulation data allow for comparisons with the results of other proposed solution schemes.
The structural engineering, mechanics, and materials group at MSU aims to advance the profession field through high-quality education and cutting-edge research by integrating multi-disciplinary engineering theories, data science and management, theoretical modeling, experimental characterizations, and validations, and practical design concepts.
Students: The University of Wyoming and the Short Span Steel Bridge Alliance created a free 6-part live-lecture educational series to cover the many aspects of designing, fabricating, and constructing steel bridges. All students who successfully complete the education series will receive a Certificate of Completion from the University of Wyoming. Learn more.
Speakers: The SSSBA provides expert speakers to present topics of interest on the cost-effective design and construction of short span steel bridges. If you need a speaker for your next event, contact the SSSBA.
Rationalization in structural design in the field of steel structures mostly consists inreducing structural material. The aim of this work was to develop an algorithmic-aided, original and practical approach to shaping curvilinear steel bar structures of modular roofs, enabling their optimization. The first stage of shaping consists in creating algorithms that define the structures of shelters made of four roof units. Algorithmic definitions of the structures made it possible to obtain many variants of the roof structures with the adopted preliminary criteria. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the individual variants, the genetic optimizations of the structures' forms were carried out. Assuming that the structures were loaded with self-weights, the cross-sections of the structures' members were optimized with the permissible deflections, while the structures' weights were the optimization criteria. This allowed us to eliminate the design variants unfavorable in terms of shape and weight. In contrast, the structures with the most advantageous properties were then optimized for weight under snow and wind loads. The research allowed us to notice how the shapes of the structures influenced their efficiency. The dual approach proposed for shaping, which takes advantage of the generative design and consistent flow of information during shaping, allowed us to achieve better solutions compared to the traditional approach.
As these methods require and use knowledge of different subject matters, a general introduction to the key areas is provided. This is followed by in-depth explanations supported by design examples, relevant calculations and supplementary material containing related computer programmers. By combining this theoretical and practical approach Stochastic Analysis of Offshore Steel Structures cover a range of key concepts in detail including:
The broad and detailed coverage makes this a solid reference for research oriented studies and practical sophisticated design methods. Students, researchers, insuring bodies and practical designer offices can turn to Stochastic Analysis of Offshore Steel Structures to broaden their theoretical understanding and develop their practical designs and applications of 3D finite analysis in fixed offshore steel structures.
During his career, Roeder was passionate about improving the resiliency of steel structures, making them not only safer during natural hazards, but more economical to build. Much of his research has had practical applications for the practicing structural engineering community.
Bridge bearingsAlthough his primary research focus was steel structures, Roeder also helped advance the design of bridge bearings, which support bridge decks. Working together with professor John Stanton, Roeder co-authored the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Specifications for the design of bridge bearings.
This in-depth course provides you with the latest criteria and practical techniques used in the design of transmission lines, structures, and foundations. You will learn transmission design concepts that use traditional methods and modern software and participate in class design exercises.
Otto J. Lynch, PE, is the President and CEO of Power Line Systems and an internationally known expert in transmission line design and the PLS-CADD computer program. He has conducted numerous seminars and training sessions in its use and applications. Prior to joining Power Line Systems in 2000, Mr. Lynch was with Black & Veatch for over 12 years doing civil/structural design for substations and transmission lines. He has designed several families of lattice steel transmission towers and has worked on transmission projects ranging from 69kV to 500kV utilizing wood, tapered tubular steel, lattice steel, concrete, and laminated wood structures throughout the world. Mr. Lynch is a pioneer in integrating LiDAR (Light Distance and Ranging) aerial survey data into the PLS-CADD program for transmission line rerating and reconductoring projects. Mr. Lynch is an expert in all the computer programs that will be used throughout the course.
As a continuation of the attention given to the selection of continuumstructures subjected to displacement constraints, in 1999Liang et al. [11]started exploring ways to achieve the optimum topologyby generating a technique that eliminates underutilized elementfrom the discretized domain of the structure. In the followingphase, the element elimination criteria were derived by conductinga sensitivity analysis on the structure due to the removal of elementsthat are underutilized. The paper concluded that the performancebasedoptimization approach can be effectively utilized to generatethe optimal structural topologies. The paper also reached the conclusionthat smoother solutions can be reached by using smaller elementelimination ratios in the performance optimization process,but the authors had to increase the computational cost to achievethat [12]. The advancement in topology optimization included thedetermination of the optimal topology as well of the bracing systemfor a steel multistory building subjected to numerous lateralloading cases, whereas the constraint is the overall stiffness [12].Afterwards, several studies focused on developing various optimizationapproaches to suite different applications [13,14]. In 2007,Robert Baldock explored 3 different optimization methods appliedto bracing lateral resisting systems. The optimization problem is further enhanced to incorporate the aesthetic appeal while satisfyingthe stiffness and economy requirements [15,16]. Lauren etal. 2011 extended the optimization problem using the concept ofpattern repetition (Pattern Gradation) [17]. This approach repeatsgeometrical patterns in the building, which makes it possible togenerate optimal patterns for the lateral bracing systems with themost optimized inclination angles. They also introduce manufacturingconstraints to the optimization process, while also focusingon the pattern gradation constraints [18]. Zhen John Goo in 2013tried another approach to determine the optimum topology of thebracing for structural steel frames but using a different approachthan his predecessors. His work depended heavily on linking theoptimization program with the analysis program, so that the optimizationloop would be automatically adjusting itself with eachiteration with the results coming out from the analysis of the previousiteration. The study concludes that the steel frame structuredesigned utilizing the proposed scheme in this study have provedto be more economical than the conventional steel frame structures[19,20]. This study aims to build upon the research efforts done inliterature and take it a step forward to serve the practical purposesof the structural design. Where the outcome of the topology optimizationproblem is utilized, and another layer of optimization isapplied to determine the minimum weight of each element of thesystem. The determined elements design is governed by the buildingcode provisions, and hence, can be adopted in practical applications. 041b061a72